Samsung Introduces New Repair Mode – Safety Before Repair

Samsung Introduces New Repair Mode Safety Before Repair

Before you bring your phone for repair to reset it first, to avoid the possibility of private information (like images or accounts) falling into the wrong hands It is a normal procedure. The need to back up your data beforehand and restore it later adds to the hassle of getting your device fixed.

Sometimes people find this not very convincing and either wipe the device completely or give it for repair with their personal data, which is often to data leaks why is this happening. To get rid of this hassle and privacy and security concerns Samsung, Repair Mode found a solution.

This new feature is in the Settings menu. Battery and Device Care will be available in the section. Enabling it reboots your device. When the mod is enabled, images, texts, accounts and even all personal information including apps hides it (only default installed apps are active). In essence, the phone appears to have been reset.

When the repairs are complete and you pick up your phone Repair Mode You can use fingerprint or pattern lock to turn it off. This will reboot the phone once again, but this time all your data is fully accessible will be. All changes made by the technician during the repair will also be undone.

Galaxy S21 series first via a software update To Repair Mode Will have. According to Samsung, it will “expand it to a few additional models in the future.” However, since the press release was only posted on Samsung’s Korean site, it appears that the feature may initially be exclusive to South Korea.
