Samsung goes to a significant increase in chip production prices

Intel CEO makes new statement on global chip crisis

Global chip crisis Although it is not on the agenda as much as before, it continues to affect technology companies. This is the topic this time. Samsung with on the agenda.

Global chip crisis In particular, we experienced the worst times in history last year. Companies have had to wait longer than ever before to receive their orders. On top of the global chip crisis, increasing raw material cost problems, especially electronic supply and logistics, emerged. The result of these was delays as well as price increases. One of the last names to take a step in this regard is the South Korean-based technology giant. Samsung it happened. As it turns out, the company is increasing its chip production prices. Here we are talking about a significant increase of between 15 and 20 percent. Companies that buy chips from Samsung will have to pay more later in the year, and the effect will be back as more expensive electronics and cars. Of course, companies will deduct the increased cost of parts from the consumer.

There is other information on the subject as well. For example, the CEO of Intel Pat Gelsingerrecently made a statement about the global chip crisis and current situation supply shortages not 2023 announced that it has shifted to 2024.

In other words, many companies will not be able to easily access the chip in 2024, and they will have to wait for a long time to receive the chip they have given. This is of course very bad because global chip crisis directly to the consumer. Still, many electronic parts / products cannot be found easily. Due to this situation, the price of many products cannot be lowered.


Currently, many new chip production facilities are being established, and Intel is making large investments in this regard, but these do not provide a short-term solution. It is reported that these facilities will only relieve 2024 and beyond.

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