Samsung Galaxy S23 review – LOG

Samsung Galaxy S23 review LOG

The newest member of the Galaxy family Samsung Galaxy S23, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 With its processor, advanced artificial intelligence supported camera and 120 Hz AMOLED screen, it joins the fastest smartphone models in the Android world. Let’s share our experience about the phone.

Samsung recently unveiled the Galaxy S23 family at its launch. Galaxy S23, which we had the opportunity to review with a preview held in Turkey, arrived on the launch day. As with other models of the series, the model powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor promises high performance in a small body.

The new model, which draws attention with its improved camera performance for low light, is one of the most powerful Android phones on the market. Let’s start with the design of the device before the curious processor and camera performance of the phone.
