Samsung Galaxy ecosystem has become more secure and private

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Samsungstrengthens the Galaxy ecosystem, which enables devices to communicate with each other, with a series of new privacy and security updates. announced.

All the details from Samsung Turkey on this issue were as follows: In our increasingly connected world, data is becoming increasingly important. However, the need for users to protect their personal information and data is becoming more and more important. According to a recent study, more than half of users worldwide think that data exchange is very important to society. Again, close to half of consumers are happy to share data with businesses when there is a clearly stated benefit to society.

Following all these developments closely, Samsung announced that it has launched a series of updates that offer Galaxy users the opportunity to decide who can see their data and how this data will be used. With the latest One UI 5 interface update, Samsung has made data security management on Galaxy devices much easier.


What does the new privacy and security update offer users?

With the new update, Samsung combines the security and personal information protection menus, while allowing users to view information that may be at risk. Privacy and security settings, where users can easily make changes from one place, and digital security elements such as Lock Screen, Accounts, SmartThings Find, Application Security can be accessed instantly.

Red, yellow or green alerts show problem areas at a glance and warn if there are any security problems. The improved security center also displays alerts that require immediate action, such as ‘Permissions’. Thus, it makes data-related decisions more transparent. Four important features that will enable users to easily control data sharing on Galaxy devices are as follows;

Advertising management: Online shopping is more common now than ever before. Users who like to shop but do not want to be bombarded with targeted advertisements can select the ‘Delete Ad ID’ option from the ‘Ads’ menu by entering the Security and Privacy Dashboard, then the ‘Privacy’ tab. In this way, users do not encounter any unwanted advice while continuing to shop in their favorite applications.

Microphone and camera trail monitoring: Galaxy users can choose the exact extent to which a particular app can access their data. For example, game lovers can often communicate with other players while playing games.

However, when a user realizes that a game application can access their device’s microphone even when not playing games, they can make changes to their preferences by entering the Privacy menu via the Security and Privacy Dashboard. When the application is not in use, it can block access to the microphone or completely turn off microphone access. The same options are available for accessing the camera.


Managing location services: The number of applications using location-based services is increasing day by day, and one of the most important data areas that users want to control continues to be location information. While countless applications continue to track the whereabouts of users today, the ‘Privacy’ menu in the Security and Privacy Dashboard allows users to see which applications have tracked their location for the last 24 hours.

In this way, users can set a new setting, especially in transportation applications, to allow the location tracking feature only when the application is open, or turn off the location information sharing permission completely. Users can disable exact location tracking by changing the settings according to their personal preferences.

Update app preferences: Many apps are downloaded for certain situations and can remain unused on the device for a long time. However, users do not know that even if the applications are not used, they can continue to track their own data and movements for months.

To prevent apps from accessing data unnecessarily, Galaxy devices proactively protect user privacy by removing permissions from apps that have not been used for extended periods of time. If users want to restore permissions, they can easily do this from the Security and Privacy Dashboard.”
