Samsung Foldable iPad Ready! – Cepholic

Samsung Foldable iPad Ready Cepholic

Samsung, one of the biggest technological companies of today, continues on a very successful line with its technological products. In the past weeks, Samsung stated that Apple will focus on foldable devices at its meeting.

Samsung is making a name for itself mostly with the tablets and phones it launches. However, the company produces many lines from electronic products to household items, including screens. The company, which produces screens for Apple, is working on the foldable iPad model this time.

As you know, one of Apple’s largest screen manufacturers is Samsung. Normally, Apple was expected to enter the foldable industry with a surprise iPhone model. However, Samsung has signaled that the foldable iPad model will come earlier. The upcoming iPad is estimated to be released in 2024.

Some of the issues that were taken into consideration at the meeting stated that they wanted to increase the production of foldable devices. He stated that the market for this device will grow by 80 percent.

Samsung, which is a master in foldable screen, wants to improve it quite a lot in this regard. Considering the complaints and suggestions of South Korean technology giant users who want to make their devices more durable and maximum useful, work continues to make foldable devices thinner and lighter.

Especially with the spread of foldable phones in recent years, the company plans to open a new era by taking serious and solid steps in this direction.

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