Samsung Becomes Year-End Champion – Overtake Apple!

Samsung Becomes Year End Champion Overtake Apple

A new report has revealed the market share of global smartphone brands for the third quarter of this year. This information of Samsung Electronics still leading He shared that he is continuing.

According to a report, the global smartphone market on a quarterly basis 6 percent grew up; but it also saw a modest 6 percent year-on-year decline. In the third quarter of 2021, the market compared to last year; 342 million units in total, which is 265.5 million shipped it. However, the South Korean technology giant; this quarter It managed to maintain its place on the throne with a large market share of 20 percent with 69.3 million shipments.

Meanwhile, Apple with 14 percent market share second it happened. The Cupertino-based company, during this time; approximately 48 million units shipped and compared to the same period last year significant 15 percent recorded a growth.

Our source credits this growth with the “continuous” growth of the iPhone 12 series and the latest iPhone 13 the launch of the series; debtor. Similarly, Xiaomi in the third quarter of 2021, with a market share of 13 percent.

However, its shipments fell 5% year-on-year and 15% quarter-on-quarter; in the third quarter of this year to 44.4 million units reached. The company saw possible slight declines due to continued parts shortages and supply issues.
