Samsung announces future plans ahead of CES 2023

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Jong-Hee (JH) Han, Head of Audio and Video Systems Business Unit at Samsung Electronics, shared his plans for CES 2023 before and for the future.

The world’s largest consumer electronics fair, which will be held in Las Vegas, USA, on January 5-8, 2023 this year. CES 2023 Samsung’s statements with the motto “We are laying the foundations of the hyper-connection era” were as follows:Now, we have to navigate in unknown waters where change continues in everything from technology to markets or consumers. In addition, we face the challenges brought by the pandemic and the uncertainties of the global economy. As the global leader in consumer electronics, information and communication technologies, we believe we have a responsibility to deliver new experiences that add and enhance individual value to users.

That’s why Samsung We have determined sustainable innovation as the core value and most important element of our activities. At the CES 2023 event to be held in January, we will outline our plans, which we set out with the motto ‘Bringing Comfort to Our Interconnected World’. We will share our journey together to build a more sustainable and prosperous future.”

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Stating that they continue their work for a sustainable future without slowing down, Jong-Hee (JH) Han“Samsung will introduce our new SmartThings enhancements at CES 2023, equipped with artificial intelligence features that integrate more seamlessly with the smart device ecosystem in users’ homes. We collaborate closely with various business partners in our industry to further enhance the SmartThings experience and deliver personalized connected experiences.


We are investigating what can be done with technology to solve the difficulties and problems that people may encounter in their daily lives. In addition, we bring sustainability and innovation together at a common point by developing products that are sustainable and equipped with innovative technologies.”

He conveyed his future plans with his new environmental strategy

Stating that they took an important step with the new environmental strategy they announced in September this year, Han said, “With our new environmental strategy, we conveyed our plans for innovative technologies such as ultra-low power consumption semiconductors (chip) and energy-efficient products. We have also announced our goal of reducing our carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. We are included in the advisory board of the Asian Clean Energy Coalition (ACEC) with the world’s leading global companies and non-governmental organizations.

This year, at the COP27 UN Climate Change Conference held in November, we became a founding member of the Semiconductors Climate Consortium (SCC). In this way, we will contribute to the development of technologies to reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions of the chip industry. We also aim to identify and implement plans to support green technology startups. “We will continue to design the future of the hyper-connection era by encouraging our users to build a sustainable future using only Samsung products.”
