Now it is time again for hundreds of Sami young people to gather when Sáminuorra has a confederation meeting and youth conference.
This time in Tärnaby, where for four days starting on Thursday, among other things, they will decide on the next year’s operations and strategic plan for Sáminuorra.
At the youth conference, the focus will be on “What do we want our future to look like?” How can Sáminuorra influence? What is the role of the organization for Sami youth and society?”
They will have workshops, lectures and panel discussions that touch on these areas.
The organization Sáminuorra was started in 1963, then as a youth association under the Swedish Sami National Confederation, SSR. But already in the 1970s the organization became independent.
Sara-Elvira Kuhmunen on site during the UN meeting in New York. Photo: NRK Sápmi