Sami Välimäki plays golf during his PGA break, a hole-in-one for the Finnish championship | Sports in a nutshell

Sami Valimaki plays golf during his PGA break a hole in one

The Championship of hole-in-one games will be held in Hämeenlinna

Finland’s number one golfer Sami Välimäki is a rare guest in domestic golf competitions, but in the beginning week he will play a hole-in-one game in the Championship in Hämeenlinna. Välimäki’s real work site is the PGA tour played in North America.

– The last time I was on break for five weeks, it was a bit of an unnecessarily long break. I thought that now is a good time to play something, and the Tawast Golf Championship matches happened to fit in the calendar, Välimäki, representing River Golf from Nokia, said in the Golfliitto press release.

In addition to the PGA tour, Välimäki is eyeing the Paris Olympics.

In the hole game played man against man, Välimäki’s opening opponent is Aura Golf Arttu Kulmala. The hole-play championships are played in three days. In addition to men, there are women’s and paragolfers’ series.
