Sámi Duodji breaks sales record | SVT News

The increased sales are believed to be due to the launch of a webshop and their marketing via social media.

– We think that this type of storytelling, where you learn about how to tan the reindeer skin and then sew the coffee bag, makes you more inclined to buy them too, says Juhán Niila Stålka, marketing coordinator at Sámi duodji.

Will break sales records this fall

As it stands today, Sámi Duodji will break the sales record as early as September this year.

– We broke records last year, and it seems that we will break records this year too, says Juhán Niila Stålka.

The women who decide

Juhán Niila Stålka tells us that customers demand sustainability and organic products. Their main target group is Swedish, Sami and foreign women between the ages of 35-65, both online and in the physical store in Jokkmokk.

– They are the ones who usually make the decisions about which packages and gifts to buy for various 50th birthday celebrations and wedding gifts, says Stålka.
