Sam the muskox has died

Sam the muskox has died
fullscreen Muskoxen Sam. Photo: The police

Sam the musk ox became nationally known for his persistent home visits to people in Härjedalen.

Now he is dead.

The reason was that he was not feeling well, reports SVT Härjedalen.

A few years ago Sam the musk ox appeared in people’s gardens and other buildings in Ljusnedal in Härjedalen.

Then it was suspected that Sam had left his flock on the mountain to find a female to mate with.

But during the visits, he put so much effort into it that the residents of the area for a period applied for permission to shoot him.

“In the dark, it’s really uncomfortable to even go to and from the car, as the musk cox can be right around the knot,” the application stated at the time.

“Many in the village, especially the elderly, do not dare to go out for a walk”.

In the end, however, Sam left the village.

But now he is dead.

Moved strangely

It is confirmed by Ida Näslund at the Myskoxcentrum in Härjedalen, reports SVT Jamtland.

She says that a private person raised the alarm last week that Sam had been seen in the area around Messlingen, and that he was acting strangely.

When the Myskoxcentrum went out to check on Sam, they could tell that he was not feeling well.

– A week later, during the hunt, a dog got a hold of Sam and then you could call game wardens who came out. Then the decision was made by the police to euthanize Sam when it was established that he was suffering, says Ida Näslund, to the channel.

– It is probably a broken leg, but exactly how the damage occurred is not known, she continues.

The decision to shoot Sam to end his suffering was made by the police.
