Salvatore Ferragamo, ok shareholders’ meeting in the 2021 financial statements and dividend

Salvatore Ferragamo ok shareholders meeting in the 2021 financial statements

(Finance) – The ordinary shareholders’ meeting of Salvatore Ferragamo approved the Financial Statements at 31 December 2021 and the Financial Statements
Consolidated which closed with total revenues of € 1,135,520 thousand (+ 29.5% compared to 2020), an EBITDA of € 304,529 thousand (+ 93.0% compared to 2020), a positive EBIT of € 143,480 thousand (in 2020 it was negative for Euro 62,765 thousand) and a Net Profit for the Period of Euro 81,137 thousand (in 2020 it was a Net Loss of Euro 71,696 thousand).

The shareholders also approved the distribution of a gross dividend of € 0.34 per share ordinary outstanding shares (excluding treasury shares in portfolio), with coupon detachment on May 23, 2022, record date May 24, 2022 and payment from May 25, 2022; and the policy on the remuneration of the members of the administrative bodies, of the executives with strategic responsibilities and of the members of the supervisory bodies for the year 2022.

Authorization for the purchase and disposal of treasury shares
The shareholders authorized the Board of Directors to purchase, even in several tranches, Salvatore Ferragamo ordinary shares with a par value of € 0.10 each, up to a maximum number which, taking into account the Salvatore Ferragamo ordinary shares from time to time once held in the portfolio by the Company and by its subsidiaries, is not overall greater than 2% of the company’s pro tempore share capital.

The Shareholders ‘Meeting integrated the composition of the administrative body up to the achievement of the number of ten Directors determined by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 22 April 2021, confirming Marco Gobetti in the office, already co-opted by the Board of Directors on 14 December 2021, replacing Michele Norsa. Gobbetti’s mandate will expire with the approval of the 2023 financial statements together with the other Directors in office.

(Photo: © theyok / 123RF)
