Salmonella: sausages recalled in many supermarkets

Salmonella sausages recalled in many supermarkets

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    Several duck sausages sold at Carrefour, Leclerc, Intermarché and Super U have been recalled since Monday July 4. In question ? Detection of salmonella, the bacteria responsible for salmonellosis.

    If you had planned a barbecue tonight, be careful. Since Monday, batches of sausage contaminated with salmonella have been recalled. The authorities recommend that people who hold the products concerned not to consume them.

    Products marketed throughout France

    According to the Rappel Conso site, two products are affected by the recall. These are chipolata-style pure duck sausages and Toulouse-style pure duck sausages, marketed between June 21 and July 6, 2022.

    Both were manufactured by the Les Thomasines brand and were sold in many stores in France: Carrefour, Intermarché, Leclerc and Super U.

    The product references are as follows:

    • Pure duck sausages chipolata style ; GTIN: 370058705400; batch number: 22171301; use-by date: July 5, 2022; packaging: vacuum-packed x 6; geographical area of ​​sale: all of France.


    • Toulouse style pure duck sausages ; GTIN: 3700518702102; batch number: 22171311; use-by date: July 5, 2022; packaging: vacuum packed 500 grams; geographical area of ​​sale: all of France.


    Consumers are advised not to consume these batches and to destroy them. It is also possible to return the product(s) to the store until July 30, the end of the recall, in order to obtain a refund.

    In case of questions, a telephone number is available to consumers: 06 75 65 38 22.

    What to do if one has consumed one of the batches of contaminated sausages?

    Salmonellosis is caused by the bacteria Salmonella. It mainly causes gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting) often accompanied by fever and headache. These symptoms generally occur 6 to 72 hours after consumption of the contaminated products.

    “People who have consumed these products and who present these symptoms are invited to consult their doctor and report this consumption”specifies the site.

    In the absence of symptoms within 7 days after consumption of the affected sausages, “there is no need to worry and consult a doctor”.

    However, the most fragile people must be extra careful. The symptoms of the disease can indeed be increased tenfold in the youngest, pregnant women, immunocompromised subjects and the elderly.
