Salmonella: Leclerc and other brands recall contaminated egg boxes

Salmonella Leclerc and other brands recall contaminated egg boxes

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    Lots of eggs distributed by Leclerc and other convenience stores are being recalled due to potential salmonella contamination.

    Monday, June 27, eggs sold all over France – at Coccinelle, Cocci Market, Panier Sympa, Rapid’Market and in independent convenience stores – were recalled. They are likely to show traces of salmonella, dangerous bacteria that cause gastrointestinal disorders.

    Several brands are affected by the recall

    According to the government website Rappel Conso, 5 egg brands would be affected: Eco+, Eggs from our regions, Belle France, EcoPrix and La Baudrière.

    They are distributed in Leclerc stores as well as in medium-sized stores: at Coccinelle, Cocci Market, Panier Sympa, Rapid’Market and in independent convenience stores.

    • The contaminated batches come in the form of boxes of 6, 10, 12 or 20 eggs and display the following information: RTFA4, RTFP9, RTDF5, RTGD8.
    • They come from suppliers SCAMARK E.LECLERC or FRANCAP DISTRIBUTION and went on sale between June 3 and 24, 2022.

    Consumers who have bought these eggs are invited to throw them away and/or to be reimbursed in the supermarkets or supermarkets where they were purchased.

    “Food poisoning caused by salmonella results in gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting) of sudden onset often accompanied by fever and headaches which generally occur 6 hours to 72 hours after consumption of the contaminated products. “recalls the site.

    What to do if you have eaten contaminated eggs?

    “People who have consumed these products and who present these symptoms are invited to consult their doctor and report this consumption”specifies the site Reminder conso.

    In the absence of symptoms”within 7 days after consumption of the affected products“, on the other hand, it is useless to worry and to consult a specialist.

    If in doubt about a food (strange smell or texture), throw it out. Also, be sure to cook your food well. Thoroughly cooking eggs, pastries and meats at +65°C for two to three minutes destroys bacteria and therefore prevents poisoning.

    Also follow the instructions for storing frozen products. Meat and fish can be kept for 8 to 24 months, pastries for 12 to 24 months and fruits and vegetables for 24 to 36 months.
