Saipem, ENI-CDP list filed for renewal of the board of statutory auditors

Saipem ENI CDP list filed for renewal of the board of

(Finance) – In view of the shareholders’ meeting of Saipemconvened for May 3, 2023, the shareholders Eni and CDP Equity filed a joint list for the renewal of the union council.

The list presented by the two shareholders, whose shareholding is a total of 44.01% of the ordinary share capital, is made up of Ottavio De Marco (effective), Antonella Fratalocchi (effective), Maria Francesca Talamonti (alternate).

Eni and CDP Equity have also proposed to confirm the current gross annual remuneration due to the chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at 70,000 euros and that due to each of the other standing auditors at 50,000 euros, in addition to the reimbursement of expenses incurred for the office.
