Saipem, ENI and CDP Equity present lists for renewal of the board of statutory auditors

Saipem ENI and CDP Equity present lists for renewal of

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Eni And CDP Equity, ahead of the Shareholders’ Meeting of Saipem convened for May 3, in a single call, to resolve, among other things, on the appointment of Statutory Auditors, as envisaged by the shareholders’ agreement in place between the two companies, will present a joint list with the following candidates: Ottavio De Marco , Mayor in charge; Antonella Fratalocchi, Statutory Auditor; Maria Francesca Talamonti, Alternate Auditor.

The list will be filed with Saipem within the terms and in the manner prescribed by law, by Saipem’s Articles of Association, by the notice calling the Shareholders’ Meeting and by the shareholders’ agreement.

Eni and CDP Equity will also submit to the Shareholders’ Meeting of Saipem the proposal to confirm the current remuneration of the Statutory Auditors and, therefore, will propose to set the gross annual remuneration due to the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at 70,000 euro and that due to each of the other Statutory Auditors effective in 50,000 euros, in addition to the reimbursement of expenses incurred for the position.

Eni owns no. 622,476,192 Saipem ordinary shares representing 31.19% of all ordinary shares.

CDP Equity owns no. 255,841,728 Saipem ordinary shares representing 12.82% of all ordinary shares.

Eni and CDP Equity have signed a shareholders’ agreement concerning Saipem ordinary shares, the essential information of which is available on the Saipem and Consob websites.
