Saint-Brevin, a small town in the West, headwind against a project to welcome refugees

Saint Brevin a small town in the West headwind against a

Several demonstrations took place this Saturday, February 25 in the small town of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, near Saint-Nazaire, in Loire-Atlantique. Demonstrations for or against the project to set up a reception center for asylum seekers. A center already exists, but it will be transferred to settle near a primary school. What cause protests supported by the party of Éric Zemmour, Reconquest.

With our special correspondent in Saint-Brevin, Edgar Groleau

Demonstration against demonstration. On one side, Reconquest demonstrators; on the other, “antifa” activists; and in the middle, CRS preventing the processions from joining.

This Saturday morning, they were around 1,200 to meet in support of the reception center for asylum seekers. In the afternoon, about 200 people shouted their disagreement, while another “antifa” demonstration took place.

In this city of 14,000 inhabitants, many activists come from elsewhere. The situation unleashed passions well beyond Saint-Brevin. Nantes residents notably made the trip to support migrants. Vendeans were present on the Reconquest side.

But Mr. Zemmour’s party is not the only influential relay behind this demonstration. The far-right identity site Breizh-Info also announced the gathering and denounced the reception center which is to be set up near a school. According to him, ” the arrival of refugees from Africa, with a very different culture, risks destabilizing the neighborhood “.

The demonstrations in Saint-Brevin are reminiscent of those in the town of Callac, in Brittany. In January, under pressure, the mayor was forced to abandon a project to welcome refugees.

►Also read: In the European Union, asylum applications at their highest in 2022
