Sahara sand is back in France

Sahara sand is back in France

After the exceptional sandy rains of March 15, the same phenomenon is happening again this week, between Monday and Wednesday.

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[EN VIDÉO] Clouds of sand cross France from the Sahara
Clouds of sand recently crossed France, and tinged it with a yellow-orange atmosphere. © Futura

A new episode of sirocco is taking place between the Sahara and France. This wind storm blowing from the Sahara, creating whirlwinds in the desert and propels the particles of sand up to 4,500 meters above sea level. Carried by the wind, this dust circulates to the south of France several times a year, but much more rarely to the north of the country. Although the episode will once again be significant over Spain, the concentrations of sand will be moderate and therefore less significant than the last time over France. let’s remember that March 15 episode was exceptional, with the highest concentration of sand recorded in France for at least 10 years.

This Monday, a peak of fine particle pollution is already present in the southwest due to upwelling. This week, the peak of the phenomenon will be reached between Tuesday and Wednesday: it will mainly affect the south and to a lesser extent the north.

The deposits were rather light on Monday because the weather remained dry, but the middle of the week will be marked by a deterioration and therefore the return of sandy rains, in particular in western France. These will a priori be less messy than those of mid-March, but it is still not recommended to wash your vehicle until Thursday.

The sky may again appear orange between Tuesday and Wednesday, with an impression of Sun red and probably great sunsets and sunrises in anticipation.

If the southern regions are accustomed to this type of phenomenon, it is the second time in the space of 15 days that a cloud of sand reaches western and northern France. Even if this recurrence is astonishing, it is not for the moment possible to deduce any link with the climate change.

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