Safety at work: what is this “prevention passport” compulsory from 1 October?

Safety at work what is this prevention passport compulsory from

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    The document, created for each employee, will contain all the qualifications obtained by the employee in the framework of training related to occupational health and safety.

    On October 1, the health law of August 2, 2021 comes into force and with it, the creation of the prevention passport, relating to safety at work. Based on the model of the training passport, which provides information on the employee’s training, diplomas and professional experience, this new tool will bring together the certificates, certificates and diplomas obtained by the employee in terms of health and safety at work.

    A passport that follows the employee

    Small particularity of this individual document: it is attached to the employee and will follow him during his career (it is not attached to the employer). Its objective is to establish that each employee has undergone training in OHS (workplace first aid worker) sufficient for the safe performance of his employment contract.

    This passport also makes it possible to better manage the training and authorizations enjoyed by employees, while improving the monitoring of their careers throughout their careers. On the other hand, the achievements can be registered throughout the professional life by the employer, the training organizations or the employee himself, according to what was dispensed on their initiative.

    An objective of prevention and efficiency

    With this prevention passport, the employer also has the means of taking stock of the needs in terms of safety of his company by consulting the passport of his employee, if the latter authorizes it, for the purposes of monitoring the obligations in health and safety training.

    In fact, it also makes it possible to target the actual needs and “to avoid overabundant and sometimes even redundant training” (ANI of December 9, 2020, article to only finance really relevant training.

    Last thing, job seekers can, in the same way as employees, benefit from this prevention passport.
