Sadiq Khan seeking third term

London Mayor calls for UK EU mobility deal for youth

Sadiq Khan’s police strategy criticized

As mayor, Sadiq Khan is at the helm of an annual budget of 20 billion euros, and is responsible for cultural policy, transport and, in part, the police. But the mayor of London’s record in terms of police management could undermine his candidacy.

With our correspondent in London,

The Metropolitan Police has had one scandal after another under Sadiq Khan. Kate, a Londoner, remembers the cases of recent years: the officer convicted of the rape and murder of a Londoner, the police stations deemed racist and homophobic or even Sadiq Khan’s dismissal of the police chief.

Today, if she were to file a complaint, she “ would think twice “. “ I think I would still go to the police station because it’s the right thing to do, but I wouldn’t go confidently, hoping to be treated well. I never had much respect for the police, I think [ces affaires] just brought things to light “, she testifies.

A report published last year confirms systemic discrimination. In addition, thefts and armed attacks are increasing. Jean, however, does not feel threatened. “ The police suffer from bad press, because of a few minority cases “, according to him.
