Sad assessment of Kaïs Saïed’s five years in power before the election of October 6

Sad assessment of Kais Saieds five years in power before

In Tunisia, the anti-corruption NGO I Watch presented a report taking stock of Kaïs Saïed’s five years in power, on the occasion of the three years of his institutional coup. The president is seeking a new term in the presidential election to be held on October 6, in a context where the majority of political opponents are in prison and freedoms are increasingly restricted. According to the NGO, which carried out its third political barometer since Kaïs Saïed’s election in 2019, only 9 of the president’s 72 electoral promises have been kept.

2 min

With our correspondent in Tunis, Lilia Blaise

It was via a video that the NGO I watch presented its report on the economic, political and legislative record of Kaïs Saïed in recent years. Having no communication with the Presidency or with the ministries of the Tunisiathe NGO based its assessment on the president’s speeches, accessible data and laws published in the official journal. Souhail Ferchichi is a member of the I-Watch executive committee

It is a barometer that aims to assess electoral promises and even promises kept by decision-makers. It was launched in 2014 as an initiative of I-Watch to ensure an atmosphere of accountability. For Kais Saiedthis is the third version “.

A balance sheet far from the results displayed

And the results are bad according to Souhail Ferchichi. The country’s economic situation remains precarious with an inflation rate of 8%, the unemployment rate stagnating at 16% and the external debt has increased. Problems that are not highlighted during this election period.

Several initiatives or statements made by Kaïs Saïed during this period, it is rather an electoral campaign and not a speech for the Tunisian people. So, he targets the population, he launches his electoral campaign through the resources of the State “, says Souhail Ferchich.

In his speech on the occasion of July 25, the three-year anniversary of his coup, Kaïs Saïed had for example declared that the inflation rate had been brought under control while adding that challenges remained to be overcome.

The next Presidential election scheduled for October 6, 2024 in TunisiaThis is the first election of this type since the promulgation of the 2022 Constitution. Kaïs Saïed has already announced that he is a candidate.

Read alsoTunisia: Supporters of Kaïs Saïed’s coup divided three years after supporting him
