SACE, SupportItalia Guarantee extended also to Factoring and Leasing

Sace Latini An uphill restart of the Italian economy

(Finance) – The coverage of SACE’s SupportItalia Guarantee has been extended beyond the loans, the extraordinary instrument envisaged by the so-called Aid Decree to support Italian companies that have suffered negative economic repercussions following the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and the consequent cost of energy.

This was announced by Sace itself in a press release in which it is emphasized that from today Italian companies will be able to obtain the Supportitalia Guarantee not only for financing, but also to cover Factoring and Leasing operations to support their liquidity and investment needs.

On the portal it is possible access the information and documentation necessary to request through financial intermediaries the guarantee for these two types of financing was accredited, implemented in a very short time thanks to the fruitful collaboration with the respective trade associations Assifact and Assilea.

“With this extension of the SupportItalia Guarantee, we strengthen our role alongside Italian companies, in support of the competitiveness of the country system” – said Alessandra Ricci, Chief Executive Officer of SACE – Leasing and factoring are two strategic forms of financing for companies, especially in the current macroeconomic context made complex by the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. Thanks to the consolidated collaboration with Assifact and Assilea can once again implement adequate measures to respond to the extraordinary needs of companies “.
