SACE, shareholders’ meeting appoints Giansante as Chairman and appoints Ricci as CEO

SACE shareholders meeting appoints Giansante as Chairman and appoints Ricci

(Finance) – The SACE Shareholders’ Meetingthe publicly controlled insurance-financial company, active in the internationalization of companies, has approved the financial statements at 31 December 2021 and appointed the new Board of Directors who will be in office for the three-year period 2022-2024.

The Board is composed of Filippo Giansante President, Alessandra Ricci designated as Chief Executive OfficerEttore Francesco Sequi, Francesca Utili, Marco Simoni, Vincenzo De Falco, Paola Fandella, Federico Lovadina and Cristina Sgubin.

Graduated in Economics and Commerce from the LUISS University of Rome, the candidate Ad Alessandra Ricci has extensive experience in the international corporate finance sector. Starting in the 1990s from Mediocredito Centrale, she joined SACE in 2005, and then joined SIMEST with the position of Chief Executive Officer. In 2020, you will return to SACE to develop the programs related to SACE’s new mandates and the green transition.

President Philip Giansantegraduated in Political Science with Economics at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, worked as an Officer in the International Affairs Service at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, where he gradually held increasing positions. He was also Deputy Governor for Italy for the World Bank and has held numerous offices in various Boards of Directors of SACE, SIMEST and EIB.

Finally, the Shareholders’ Meeting appointed the new Board of Statutory Auditors for the three-year period 2022-2024 as follows: Silvio Salini PresidentAngela Salvini (Standing Auditor), Giovanni Battista Lo Prejato (Standing Auditor), Giuliana Tulino (Alternate Auditor) and Marco Canzanella (Alternate Auditor).
