SACE and Roma Startup: the “Rome Venture Forum 2024” begins

SACE and Roma Startup the Rome Venture Forum 2024 begins

(Finance) – Venture capital investments for the technology startups at the center of the debate of the second edition of “Rome Venture Forum 2024” organized by the association of the innovation ecosystem of the Capital, Rome Startup, with SACE.

“Today, we meet with the Venture Capital World And it’s not the first time that we do it. We have been partners of startup funds and accelerators of innovative businesses and startups for a long time now. We are meeting today to discuss further how much and what institutions must do to best support this segment”, says Antonio Frezza, Chief Marketing, Sales PMI and Property Solutions Officer of SACE.

“A very important segment for the maintenance of the competitiveness of our country. Because investing in innovation means stay and become more competitive. A number for everyone: those who invest in innovation exports three times more of a company that does not do it. This index gives us the push to be, as an institution, like SACE, dedicated to exports and the development of the Italian system, to be rewarded in this segment. We want to do it with tools dedicated to startups because they are companies and Our mission is to support businesses. We want to do it, and we would like to do it even more, with tools to support Venture Capital, which are currently the tool to stimulate competition and to stimulate innovation, because they are inserted at a time of the idea of ​​companies that hardly have access to liquidity and not having a credit track result and a business case already validated is a alternative way to access liquidity and stimulate their growth”, concludes Frezza.

From actions to attract international class operators to Rome to create synergy to the prospects and strategies for Venture Capital, passing through traditional finance to innovative finance. The meeting gave voice to the various protagonists of the sector.

“How to finance this innovation? We need to move from a more debt-based model towards capital market-based models, with new actors, such as the Venture Capital. Then, we talked about the idea of ​​having a proximity cluster in Rome on Venture Capital, and I think it’s a extremely relevant element because in Rome there are a set of elements that go from the quality of human resources, and I can say this from direct experience having managed Leonardo, they go to the presence of large industrial and public companies, they go to the presence of institutions that have a strong focus on the theme of innovation”, he adds Alessandro Profumo, Rialto Ventures.

“L’Italy in recent years he has done great progress in the growth of venture capital and private equity“, goes on Gelsomina Vigliotti Vice President of the EIB – European Investment Bank. “We are still behind other European countries, but precisely, the recorded growth rates in recent years testify to the liveliness and dynamism of this sector. We believe that all the elements put in place, both by the legislator but also by institutional actors, such as the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, are important for to develop this sector more and more which will be a bit of a basis for the growth and competitiveness of Italy in Europe and in the world”, concludes Vigliotti.
