SACE, 2023 results: 55 billion euros to support 50,000 Italian businesses

SACE 2023 results 55 billion euros to support 50000 Italian

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of SACE approved the project financial statements, consolidated financial statements and the declaration consolidated of a non-financial nature 2023. In a complex economic context, marked by uncertainty and weak growth at a global level, SACE has strengthened its commitment to supporting the sustainable growth of Italian companies and the country system, in line with the objectives of the INSIEME2025 Industrial Plan with which SACE has embraced a new business model that puts the impact generated for the community first.
During 2023, SACE supported with guarantees, liquidity, insurance services, training and business matching initiatives 54.6 billion euros of projects (+13% compared to 2022), alongside approx 50,000 businesses, almost all of which are small and medium in size. A commitment that has generated an impact on the Italian economy equal to approximately 145 billion eurosallowing us to support 950 thousand employees.

“The results achieved in 2023 are the tangible reflection of the commitment of all the people of SACE, One Company to serve the sustainable evolution needs of Italian companies within the scope of the INSIEME2025 Plan – declared Alexandra Ricci, CEO of SACE -. With INSIEME2025 we have placed sustainability, the centrality of businesses and people at the heart of SACE’s strategy, embracing a new style of widespread leadership and a new agile and skill-driven organizational model that seizes the opportunities offered by technological innovation to unleash potential of people, enhance their ability to listen and speed of response, with the ultimate aim of creating well-being and prosperity for the community”.

There are four fundamental enablers: the technologies – such as Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain – which SACE is implementing in its offering and processes; listening to partners and stakeholders through initiatives co-design to evolve the value proposition; The change cultural, which took shape with a new style of widespread and sustainable leadership, based on skills such as courage, passion, the ability to inspire and be connected; and finally a new skill-driven organizational model.
