SACBO, Bellingardi: “Innovation, sustainability and intermodality are the main challenges for airports”

SACBO Bellingardi Innovation sustainability and intermodality are the main challenges

(Finance) – “Innovation, sustainability and intermodality. These are the main challenges for airports. We, like Sacbo, were pioneers in terms of intermodality, the theme at the center of today’s conference. The airport is the first intermodal platform : we have connections to hundreds of destinations every day with buses that rely on flights and from flights we trust buses. We have 140 buses a day to Milan and the release of the train project that will connect the airport with the city ​​and later it will put itself on the network to reach Milan “. That’s what he said Emilio Bellingardi, general manager of Sacbo, on the sidelines ofevent “The Future of Mobility between Innovation and Sustainability” promoted by Sita, global supplier of technologies for air transport, in collaboration with the University of Bologna.

Are airports being helped at the NRP level to cope with this transition?

“As we have been saying for months, there is nothing. There is a revision towards the end of the year and we are trying to include projects in this aid scheme. It is clear that some projects would need to be helped in their authorization process. , not so much with Enac from which we have all the support, but as regards some solar panel and photovoltaic projects, we are encountering some difficulties. I believe that it would be appropriate, also given the geopolitical situation we are experiencing, to give a quick push to these authorization procedures that would allow, therefore, for energy-intensive companies such as airports, renewable energy rates “.
