S wants to be able to exclude countries from the EU

At a press conference before her May Day speech, the Social Democrats’ party chairman Magdalena Andersson puts forward a proposal for the EU elections. It is about “democratizing Europe”.

We want more and sharper tools to deal with countries that don’t behave, she says.

One of the proposals is that countries should be able to be excluded from the EU if they can no longer be considered democracies. Something that is not possible today and requires the EU treaty to be rewritten.

However, opening up negotiations on the EU treaty is a long and cumbersome process.

Now it’s about driving public opinion to get other countries on board, says Magdalena Andersson.

Other proposals are to make it easier than today to withhold money for countries that disregard the principles of the rule of law. Freedom of the press, trade union rights and civil rights should also be taken into account, believes S.

Another requirement is to introduce a clearer sanction ladder for countries that do not behave, for example being able to suspend member states from the Schengen cooperation.

Later this afternoon, Magdalena Andersson will give a May Day speech at Götaplatsen in Gothenburg.
