S Sport Plus package price hike

S Sport Plus package price hike

S Sport Plus package price hike done: “Currency and costs Unfortunately, it has become inevitable for us to update our prices because of this.”

In the official statement sent from the company about this sad increase, the following was conveyed: Dear Member, We hope you enjoy the experience we have offered you in S Sport Plus. Since 2018, when S Sport Plus started broadcasting, we have been working hard to add value to the sports watching habits of sports lovers in Turkey and to make you experience the inspiring stories of the leading stars of world sports at every moment. We continue to develop S Sport Plus with new content and channels, as well as new apps and features. Unfortunately, it has become inevitable for us to update our S Sport Plus package prices due to the recent increases in exchange rates, the resulting increased costs and the regulations in VAT rates. In the renewal process of your S Sport Plus monthly package, which you are currently using, after the expiry of the usage period, the renewal process will be carried out as of October 5, 2023, at the current monthly package sales price of 69.99 TL (499 TL per year). However If you do not want to renew your S Sport Plus Monthly Package for the following periods, you can request cancellation of your S Sport Plus Monthly Package through the digital subscription cancellation process from the “Membership Information” menu, where you manage your membership and settings.”
