S proposes joint Nordic defense commission

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Due to Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, the party proposes that a Nordic defense and security policy commission be appointed with anchoring in the parliaments of the Nordic countries.

More effective coordination

The goal must be a joint report with “guidelines on approach and ambitions”.

“With a common picture of the security situation in our immediate area, we can map what skills and resources we have in our countries to face the threats together. It enables more efficient planning and coordination of defense resources,” says Magdalena Andersson in the press release.

Joint analysis

The main points of the work are proposed to be a joint security policy analysis, the development of total defence, civil and military resources, production of defense equipment and the development in the Arctic, on the Norwegian-Swedish west coast and the Baltic Sea.

“A joint Nordic defense commission anchored by the government and parliament of all Nordic countries creates long-term strength and stability,” says Peter Hultqvist, former defense minister and now the party’s group leader in the defense committee.
