S pressures the government: Give money for wind power

S pressures the government Give money for wind power



full screen The Social Democrats’ economic spokesperson presents the party’s industrial investment. Archive image. Photo: Caisa Rasmussen / TT

The Social Democrats want the government to speed up the green transition in industry, including by giving municipalities income from wind power. They also want to reform the veto.

– Our Nordic neighbors have incentives to say yes. It is reasonable that Sweden also introduces it, says Mikael Damberg (S) and refers to the incentive investigation that was presented last year.

– It has already been fully investigated and we are surprised that the government is not proceeding with this.

The government announced last week that it is appointing two industry coordinators and setting up a so-called acceleration office. This is to facilitate the green transition and larger investments in industry.

Mikael Damberg has previously criticized the government for lacking sharp proposals.
