S party secretary about SSU: “They have to take action”

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In its investigation, Kalla Fakta shows that even the Social Democrats’ youth union, SSU, was prepared to circumvent the law’s requirements for openness and transparency when it comes to reporting party contributions.

Union secretary Diyar Cicek and press manager Youbert Aziz repeatedly suggested that Cold Facts donors should start a foundation to make it less obvious where the money comes from.

Now the Social Democrats’ party secretary Tobias Baudin comments on the statements made by the SSU’s union secretary and press director.

– You must not do anything with the aim of circumventing legislation. The legislation must be followed and we can even consider tightening it. No one should do that in our team, says Baudin (S).

See party secretary Tobias Baudin’s (S) comments on SSU’s way of circumventing the law on accounting for party contributions
