S accuses SD of being Putin huggers

The EU election duel on TV4 The news on Tuesday evening was about immigration and refugee issues as well as defense and security. Dueling were the SD’s Charlie Weimers and the Social Democrat Johan Danielsson.

SD wants to build walls around Europe, both physical and legal. Why?

– Illegal migration to the EU reaches peak levels, only 13 percent of the EU’s border is secured in the form of physical border barriers. We have to secure the border, we have to turn the boats back, said Charlie Weimers (SD).

The Social Democrats instead highlighted the migration pact voted for in the EU, as an important step for a stricter migration policy, which the party believes creates order and order.

– And will lead to reduced migration to Sweden, as more countries in Europe are forced to participate and share the responsibility, says Johan Danielsson (S).

A: “Know who is Putin’s best friend”

When the duel then turned to issues of defense and security, things heated up in the TV4 studio.

– We see how Putin directly finances right-wing populist parties from a number of countries around Europe. Then it will be important that we take action against the disinformation that is spread online, the troll army that Russia is rolling out to destabilize the political conversation, says Johan Danielsson (S).

After the reporting that the Sweden Democrats have anonymous accounts in the party. How does SD want to work to reduce the risk of misinformation within the EU?

– The European Parliament has adopted decisions to counter disinformation. But what SD has worked with is not misinformation, it is satire and humor. And the Social Democrats should probably calm down their rhetoric, considering that companies are used as bullies to run campaign pages, where it does not appear that the Social Democrats are the financiers.

An answer that caused the Social Democrats to change their tone:

– I think that everyone who watches this program today knows who is Putin’s best friend in Sweden, which party is involved in troll factories with fake accounts, which aim to spread hatred and threats and lead the political conversation in Sweden, says Johan Danielsson.

– It’s bad acting that the Social Democrats stand for, says Charlie Weimers.
