Rydboholm’s church vandalized – with scribbled swastikas and penises

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

This is what the church looks like right now – start the clip where the pastor Sven-Erik Olsson shows the vandalism.

It was a security company that first discovered the graffiti on the church’s facade and the caretaker announced, who in turn contacted the pastor Sven-Erik Olsson early on Saturday morning. Something like BT was the first to tell about.

– Went to church, and that was when I saw how bad it was. There are graffiti on windows, on doors, flower pots and even on the stone stairs in front of the gate. It’s outrageous, it’s the whole community’s church.

Funeral next week

Due to holidays, the church staff has to pull all the strings that are needed to get a quick clean-up. Whether the activities in the church may be affected is still too early to say.

– We have a funeral next week, so we hope it is fairly complete by then. But some stains will be difficult to remove, and even the graffiti on the windows.

Are you going to do anything to prevent it from happening again?

– It may be that you have to set up surveillance cameras, but it is not something we have discussed through yet.
