Rwandan ambassador summoned following accusations of Kigali’s support for M23

Rwandan ambassador summoned following accusations of Kigalis support for M23

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a series of demonstrations against Kigali began on Monday May 30 in the country. The authorities finally summoned the Rwandan ambassador on Tuesday to try to obtain an explanation of his country’s support for the M23 rebels in the east of the country. The meeting between the government and the Rwandan ambassador was short-lived. About ten minutes.

In the absence of the head of Congolese diplomacy, it was his colleague for the Environment and Deputy Prime Minister Ève Bazaiba who met with the Rwandan ambassador Vincent Karega, reports our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa. Protocol obliges, she officially delivered the message of protest and disapproval of the Government against the support of Rwanda to the rebels of the M23.

This is a stern warning “said the minister, without further details.

Same discretion for the Rwandan diplomat whose expulsion is demanded by the political class and civil society after the indictment of Kigali by Kinshasa.

It is up to the two countries to estimate the need and duration of my presence on Congolese territory, said Vincent Karega.

The recall of his Congolese colleague stationed in Kigali is demanded, on this point the Congolese government has not yet decided. Kinshasa refuses for the moment to close all the doors of the discussion.

The only precautionary measure: the suspension of flights by the airline RwandAir on Congolese territory.

Kinshasa is taking the case internationally. In correspondence with the United Nations Security Council, the head of Congolese diplomacy, Christophe Lutundula, calls for a condemnation “ unequivocal and firm from Rwanda and the M23.

The President of the National Assembly, for his part, announced on Tuesday that his institution will undertake a diplomatic journey around the world to present to States and international organizations the discontent of the Congolese people, who ” totally disapproves of the bad neighborhood with Rwanda “.

Rwandan foreign minister draws red lines

During a press briefing in Kigali on Tuesday, Vincent Biruta, the Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs assured that his country adhered to the regional mediation set up in the face of rising tensions with its Congolese neighbor. Macky Sall, current president of the AU, called for a dialogue under Angolan mediation to settle the differences between the two countries over the resurgence of the M23 in eastern Congo. But, while ensuring that his country is open to discussion, Vincent Biruta has also drawn red lines not to be exceeded, and brought new accusations against his Congolese neighbor.

Facing the press, the head of Rwandan diplomacy did not directly condemn the new M23 insurrection. ” In this region, there would be a hundred armed groups to condemn “, he preferred to answer. According to Kigali, it is above all the FDLR, a Hutu rebel group opposed to the regime of Paul Kagame, which today poses the biggest problem. “ There are frustrations related to the fact that the Congolese government has not implemented its commitments regarding armed groups trying to destabilize Rwanda. »

Today Kigali assures that it does not want a crisis and wishes to continue to discuss with the DRC bilaterally or through various regional initiatives. But the Minister of Foreign Affairs also recalled that shots from Congo have landed on Rwandan soil in recent weeks. New attacks of this type would be the limit not to be exceeded, he says. “ If the attacks continue, Rwanda will have the right to respond and protect the safety of its citizens. And we have the means to do that. »

Vincent Biruta also denounced a wave of anti-Rwandan hate speech in the DRC and on social networks, as well as comments that Rwanda considers to be calls for genocide.

Read also Tension between the DRC and Rwanda: Kigali rejects Kinshasa’s accusations
