Russia’s new target has emerged! The accusation that will raise the world

Russias new target has emerged The accusation that will raise

Russia has been invading Ukraine for 69 days. Although Russia claims that it progressed step by step by successfully achieving its goals in the war, the general opinion is that Putin’s plans did not go as he wanted. Meanwhile, a new claim that would leave its mark on the war was made. Allegedly, Russian soldiers steal Ukraine’s farm equipment.

Ukraine’s human rights chief Lyudmyla Denisova accused Russia of launching a missile attack on a grain warehouse. Denisova, who made statements by sharing a post on her social media account, said that the Russian forces “deliberately took measures to cause famine in Ukraine”.

According to Denisova, who also accuses Russian soldiers of stealing agricultural equipment, the thefts of Russian soldiers were first recorded in mid-March.



Iuliia Mendel, the former spokesperson of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, shared photos revealing the damage caused by Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian agricultural equipment. In addition to Mendel, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Emine Dzheppar also shared a video accusing Russia of “deliberately” hitting the warehouse.



Zelenskiy also supported the allegations, saying that Russian forces hit one warehouse with grain and the other with manure:

“The targets they have chosen prove once again that the war against Ukraine is a war of extermination for the Russian army. They targeted warehouses of agricultural enterprises.”
