Russia’s goal of isolating Kiev – “even now it seems that the power is not enough”

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Russia has also not yet achieved full air dominance in Ukraine, Mattila points out in ‘s main news broadcast.

Russia’s goals at the moment are the isolation of Kiev, the land connection from Russia to the Crimea and the conquest of Mariupol, says the head teacher of military skills at the National Defense College Jarmo Mattila ‘s main news broadcast.

– Kiev as the capital is still important (for Russia). I believe that Russia is still trying to isolate it, although at this stage it seems that the power is not enough for that, let alone the conquest of Kiev, Mattila says.

In the south, in the direction of the Crimean peninsula, the Russian military expedition has progressed better.

– Mariupol has been besieged, but its capture is certainly still a goal at this stage.

According to Mattila, Russia has not been able to get on its neck, at least not completely.

– Russia has not yet achieved air dominance in Ukraine at any stage. There are still areas where the Russians do not fly, especially at low altitudes.

Attacks on civilian targets are intended to erode the will to fight

On Wednesday, Russia fired on a theater in the center of the besieged Mariupol, with civilians sheltered in the basement bomb shelter.

According to Mattila, it is possible that the intelligence about the target has not been completely accurate.

– So the paint is known, but it may not be known that there are civilians there.

Satellite images taken by space technology company Maxar on Monday showed that the word “children” was written in Russian on both sides of the theater.

– Yes, a trained soldier, of course, will avoid bombing such an object if there is no more detailed information, Mattila inches from the markings written on the ground.

– But if the machine comes from a low speed at low speed, you may not see these texts.

According to Mattila, Russia is primarily trying to erode the will of the Ukrainians to defend their country and the will to fight by using heavy fire in settlements.
