Russia’s counter-steps show how deeply relations between Finland and Russia have changed

Russias counter steps show how deeply relations between Finland and Russia

The positive NATO position of the Finnish state leadership revolutionized Finland’s foreign and security policy, which was already in turmoil. Russia left Finland no choice but to apply for NATO membership. The President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö will be in a live interview with Ykkösaam at 10.05.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February set in motion a change in Finland’s NATO position. President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö and the Prime Minister Sanna Marin (sd.) announced this week that Finland must apply for NATO membership soon.

– I thought it was good that the position would be expressed to all parliamentary groups at the same time. And when the parliamentary groups meet on Thursdays, that day was chosen from the calendar on that Thursday, May 12, says President Niinistö about the reasons why he wanted to publish his position on that very day.

Russia’s reaction indicates the depth of change in relations between the two countries

According to President Niinistö, a change in Finland’s and Russia’s foreign policy relations took place in December, when the Russian president Vladimir Putin insisted that NATO should no longer be allowed to expand.

– It was a big change. Until then, we had thought that Finland wanted to be non-aligned militarily of its own free will. If we had stayed to declare our military non-alignment after Russia’s announcement, it would have turned out that Finland has no access elsewhere, Niinistö says.

Russia has said that it will react to Finland’s NATO membership

– Russia has reiterated that if you go to NATO, there will be counter-steps. What they are remains to be seen. The counter-steps show how deeply the relations between Finland and Russia have changed, Niinistö reflects.

“Finland’s goal is to be able to handle everyday matters with Russia”

Finland’s special relationship with Russia, which has previously been cherished, has become a wish to take care of everyday matters. According to President Niinistö, the model can be found close to Norway, which also shares a border with Russia.

– On the long border between Finland and Russia and in the neighborhood, everyday things will certainly arise. Finland’s goal is to be able to continue to take care of them. By this I mean, for example, matters related to family relationships and border crossings, Niinistö says.

In Ukraine, there are no conditions for peace

Two and a half months have passed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. President Niinistö does not live up to hopes that peace will emerge even soon.

– There are no such conditions now. Russia will not leave the territories it occupies, nor will it get Ukraine to its knees, Niinistö estimates.

The president estimates that Russia’s war of conquest in Ukraine will continue, but then what has been seen in eastern Ukraine for 8 years will continue.

– That is, constant roaring on the contact line.

The war is measuring both Russia and the West

Niinistö continues that the measurement of resilience, ie mental flexibility, will also be measured both in Russia and in the West.

– In the West, the idea may arise that in Russia the administration would be deceived. That may not be the case, because a nation that has grown into an authoritarian has learned to suffer, he says.

– The question is also how long the West’s compassion for Ukraine will last and what opportunities the West has for continued arms assistance. A lot of weapons have already been surrendered.

The President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö will be a guest of Ykkösaamu live at 10.05
