Russia’s attack on Ukraine made everyone like this! If not careful…

Russias attack on Ukraine made everyone like this If not

If you woke up to the news that Russia had declared war on Ukraine and suddenly felt nauseous, it’s perfectly normal! Maybe millions of people in different parts of the world were drawn to this feeling when they saw the news that Russia had declared war on Ukraine.

Russia, which has been threatening Ukraine for weeks, started bombing Ukraine yesterday. Everyone hoped that a conflict would be avoided, but it did not happen. Psychotherapist Lucy Beresford says that if you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, that’s an entirely expected reaction. It is thought that the feeling of deep helplessness and panic will affect millions. Many people are desperately brooding on what the next threat to humanity might be after the pandemic and war.


“People with connections to Ukraine may be feeling helpless,” Beresford told HuffPost UK. Anyone who listens to the news and watches the events may panic. With the stress and demoralization on people due to the pandemic, the images of war have become threatening to human psychology.” Experts say that you are not the only one to experience these feelings and you can see that everyone is trying to cope with the same uneasiness by looking around.


Psychologist Tara Quinn-Cirillo says it’s normal for millions of people around the world to feel helpless by watching the war break out from afar after going through hard times. Instead of struggling with these feelings, she says it would be good to stay away from the news for a while, even if it is difficult. At the same time, she says, it will be good for psychology to confirm to yourself, “This too will pass”.

Dr. Quinn-Cirillo says it can trigger feelings of helplessness if you want to help but don’t know how. Dr. “There are some basic things we can do,” Quinn-Cirillo says.

“You may know Ukrainian people around you who are worried about their loved ones. Reach out to them and let them know that they are there for you, to listen, to speak, or for any other need if they need it.”
