Russia’s ability to strike with missiles is fading, says military expert: “It’s inevitable”

Russias ability to strike with missiles is fading says military

Lieutenant Colonel (EVP) Juhani Pihlajamaa believes that the initiative will remain in Ukraine in the near future. According to him, Russian missile production cannot meet the needs of an offensive war.

Russia cannot continue missile strikes at the current rate, assesses lieutenant colonel (EVP) Juhani Pihlajamaa. The old stocks are dwindling, and production limits are quickly encountered in the production of new missiles.

– The intensity will decrease, it is inevitable. If according to some news, Russia produced 200 missiles a year and now has fired 4,700, then yes, quite a lot of stocks have been consumed, Pihlajamaa said in ‘s morning on Monday.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi said on Sunday that Russia had used more than 4,700 missiles during the war. According to the Ukrainian Air Force, Russia fired about a hundred missiles last Tuesday alone, and officials have spoken of an ongoing wave of missile strikes.

According to Pihilajamaa, it is difficult for Russia to produce a much larger number of missiles than before, because production lines cannot be established quickly.

“The help from Western countries is not ending, on the contrary”

On the other hand, Pihlajamaa considers the information based on which Iranian airplanes would start to be manufactured in Russia to be worrying. In principle, it is easy to shoot down airplanes with, for example, an anti-aircraft machine gun or cannon, but the targets should be seen first.

– Airplanes have the problem that they are difficult to detect on radar. Anti-aircraft weapons cannot be placed everywhere.

At the moment, Ukraine is trying to advance above all in the Luhansk region. Russia, on the other hand, is mainly trying to maintain its current positions in the East, says Pihlajamaa.

– It doesn’t seem to have the strength to push forward very much.

According to Pihlajamaa, the initiative has remained in Ukraine’s hands and there is nothing to suggest that this will change, at least in the near future.

– Western aid is not ending, on the contrary. Perhaps the stray missile in Poland will increase the understanding in the West that Ukraine needs help.

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