Russian-Ukrainian war confession from Belarusian leader Lukashenko! Putin refused

Russian Ukrainian war confession from Belarusian leader Lukashenko Putin refused

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who has supported the Russian side since the beginning of the war, said that the Russia-Ukraine war is taking longer than expected. “I feel that this operation is prolonging,” said Lukashenko, further arguing that he did everything to stop the war.

Lukashenko spoke to the Associated Press on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Emphasizing that he did not think that Russia’s “operation” in Ukraine would continue in this way for long, Lukashenko claimed that he did “everything” to stop the war.

Despite his defense of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Lukashenko said, “I’m not so immersed in this issue as to say whether it went according to plan as the Russians say, or as I feel (it took a long time). I want to emphasize once again, I feel this operation is taking a long time.” made its assessment.


Expressing that Ukraine provoked Russia, but Belarus was in favor of peace, Lukashenko continued as follows:

“We do not accept any war categorically. We have done and are doing everything so that there will be no war. Thanks to you and me, the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia have started. However, why Ukraine, whose territory is actually at war, is carrying out military action, people are dying, why is Ukraine not interested in these negotiations? “


Lukashenko stated that no one was threatened with the exercises launched by the Belarusian armed forces yesterday, adding, “We know who is against us, so we cannot threaten to start this type of conflict. War here (in the West) is definitely not in the interest of Belarus. The West can sleep peacefully.” used the phrases.

Emphasizing that using nuclear weapons would be “unacceptable”, Lukashenko noted that he could not say whether Russia had such plans. (AA)
