Russian Supreme Court classifies Ukrainian Azov regiment as ‘terrorist organization’

Russian Supreme Court classifies Ukrainian Azov regiment as terrorist organization

This decision with immediate entry into force could be worth very heavy legal proceedings to the combatants of this regiment taken prisoner by Russia.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Anissa El Jabri

Most of the trial took place behind closed doors. ” Witnesses on the stand spoke at length about crimes committed by the Azov regiment in Ukraine “, reports the Russian agency Tass. The regiment is already classified as terrorist in one of the pro-Russian republics of Donbass: that of Donetsk.

From now on, these soldiers will therefore also be able to be judged as such on Russian territory. The leaders risk between 15 and 20 years in prison, the simple members between 5 and 10 years.

Already this Tuesday, according to the Interfax agency, a Russian citizen, Anton Korolyov, was sentenced by a Moscow court for these reasons: having participated in this armed training as a mercenary, fought in the Donbass between 2015 and 2019, and public calls for extremism. For the Russian Investigative Committee, the man had ” actively promoted National Socialist ideas in 2013–2014 “. The verdict is nine years in prison in a so-called “standard” penal colony.
