Russian spy whale “Hvaldimir” believed to be in Sweden – watch the unlikely video

It was during Sunday that an unusual sight, to say the least, was made in Hunnebostrand near Kungshamn. A white whale suddenly appeared, and many curious flocked to look at the unexpected visitor.

The white whale in Hunnebostrand could be the “Russian spy whale” Hvaldimir

According to the organization Onewhale, it could be the “Russian spy whale” Hvaldimir which have now been sighted in Swedish waters. The marine biologist Sebastian Strand has been following Hvaldimir for several years, and to P4 Väst he states that he believes it is the “Russian spy whale” that was seen in Hunnebostrand.

Hvaldimir was first seen in Norway in 2019: “Militarily trained”

The whale Hvaldimir was first seen in Norwegian waters in April 2019, wearing a camera harness. According to the organization Onewhale, it is believed that Hvaldimir had then escaped from a mission.

Sebastian Strand believes that there are many indications that Hvaldimir has been trained in a military training program by Russia.

— It is a rather unreal situation. He is the only military-trained whale in the world who now lives freely and seeks out people, says Sebastian Strand P4 West.

The beluga is believed to be Hvaldimir – caught on film

Evve Westerhult managed to catch, what is believed to be Hvaldmir, on film in Hunnebostrand and tells about the unusual sight for News24.

– Of course it’s super cool to see something like that and especially if it was Hvaldimir! However, I’m starting to get a little scared of swimming, last week there was an orca and now a beluga whale. What comes next?, she tells Nyheter24.

It was on May 18 that a dead killer whale was stuck in a jetty in Hunnebostrand – read more here.

Watch the awesome video on the white whale in the player above!
