Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine much more than reported, many soldiers refuse to fight

Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine much more than reported many

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, 1,351 Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine. Ukraine, on the other hand, estimates that nearly 19,000 Russians have died.

9.4. 11:26 • Updated April 9th. 14:42

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, 1,351 Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine. Ukraine, on the other hand, estimates that nearly 19,000 Russians have died.

Ukraine’s data is based on the Russian bodies it found and the Russian radio conversations it intercepted.

The Guardian does not provide an accurate estimate of the number of Russians killed, but points out that Russia’s own statistics do not show missing soldiers, for example.

According to the Guardian, the dead Russian soldiers include a large number of officers as well as soldiers from special forces such as paratroopers.

Russian soldiers refuse to fight

According to Russian opposition media, numerous Russian soldiers have refused to fight in Ukraine.

According to the Guardian, Russian media also report two troops in the National Guard whose members have refused to fight.

The Russian organization Agora International Human Rights tells the Guardian that it is constantly receiving contacts from soldiers seeking legal assistance to avoid being in Ukraine or to get home from Ukraine.
