Russian social network VKontakte comes under the control of Gazprom and Sogaz

Russian social network VKontakte comes under the control of Gazprom

This is the last step in the Kremlin’s takeover of VKontakte, the “Russian Facebook”. Created in 2006 by Pavel Durov, the multi-billionaire founder of Telegram who divides his time between London, Dubai and several other capitals, the most used social network in the country has come under the control of Gazprom (9%) and especially Sogaz (45% ), a company owned by a longtime friend of the Russian president.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Anissa El Jabri

With Gazprom on one side, but above all Sogaz on the other, the assets of the Russian Facebook are now well supervised and managed. Several Russian media announced it on Friday, December 3 in the morning, the new CEO of VKontakte is called Vladimir Kirienko. He is the son of the deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kirienko.

Leader in Russia

Leader of social networks in Russia, the number of monthly users of VKontakte is estimated at 100 million worldwide, including 72 million Russians, a little more than half of the population.

In recent years, the social network had already experienced strong growth and aroused appetites. In 2014, the FSB had asked its founder Pavel Durov to transmit user data. After refusing, he left the country. Pavel Durov who is also the founder of Telegram messaging has lived in exile since then.

Sogaz, the biggest media player

The other lesson of this takeover is the now main shareholder. Sogaz thus becomes the largest player in the Russian media market. His group includes several television channels and a daily newspaper.

Read also: Legislative in Russia: Telegram in turn removes an application from supporters of Navalny

