Russian robot caught on film – struck UN hotel

The hotel where the robot crashed is regularly used by UN staff and other aid organizations. According to A statement from the UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine, Denise Brown.

“The number of indiscriminate attacks on civilian infrastructure, killing and injuring civilians, has reached unimaginable levels. These attacks are a violation of international law,” Brown wrote in a statement.

Brown writes that she herself always stays at that hotel when she visits the city and that the premises were the UN’s base during the work on the evacuations from the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol last year. Whether anyone from the UN was injured in the attack is not clear from the statement.

The Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior says that emergency services and personnel from the Red Cross have been working at the site since the robot crashed on Thursday.

Watch residents’ cellphone footage of the Russian robot attack in the video above.
