“Russian responsibility is fully engaged” after the attack on a children’s hospital

Russian responsibility is fully engaged after the attack on a

Russia launched a new attack on Ukraine on Monday, July 8, killing at least 38 people. The strikes have sparked outrage in Kiev and the international community, which was all the more so because a children’s hospital was hit. At least two people died there and more victims may be under the rubble. French Ambassador to Ukraine Gaël Veyssière visited the site to assess the extent of the damage and offer his support.

RFI: You visited the Okhmatdyt pediatric hospital who was hit by a bombing in kyiv. What is the situation there?

Gaël Veyssiere: When you arrive at the hospital, first of all, there is enormous chaos because the explosion was extremely violent: one building was almost destroyed, and all the facades of the surrounding buildings have almost collapsed. In reality, I think there are risks even for the structure of the other buildings that have not collapsed. And in the middle of all this, thousands of volunteers are bringing water, trying to clear, trying to help. All this is organized, but there is still a slightly chaotic aspect, with a determination, a will to help, but also a rage against the perpetrators of this barbaric actwhich is quite impressive.

Has France planned to provide specific assistance to the children who had to be evacuated? ?

We are looking at what can be done in terms of assistance. It turns out that there is a long-standing cooperation between the France and the Okhmatdyt hospital. Firstly because it was founded a little over a century ago by the family of one of our compatriots, Michel Teretschenko, who today chairs the association supporting this hospital.

Then, because there are cooperations which have been developed between this hospital and the French State, which has provided it with IT equipment.

There is also cooperation with the Necker Hospital in Paris, which regularly sends specialists for cutting-edge operations, training and exchanges. So there is this basis for cooperation. And then, of course, we are working with the Crisis and Support Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see how we can help them. And a first meeting on Tuesday 9 July in the afternoon will be organised with all the countries of the European Union to try to see how we can coordinate. Of course, it is first up to the Ukrainians to define their needs… but this is obviously an emergency situation.

Beyond that, there will be things in the medium term, because there are capacities that only existed in this hospital, particularly for certain types of dialysis. And so, we must see how certain cutting-edge procedures can continue to be carried out to help children.

Russia claims that it is not responsible for this launch and that it is the result of a failure of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft system. This is not the first time that Russia has put forward this type of argument. According to your information, according to the information that your interlocutors in Ukraine were able to give you, was it Russia that fired the missile at this children’s hospital? ?

The Ukrainian authorities claim that the hospital was indeed targeted. They have a narrative that is quite convincing and videos that show the moment of impact. I am not a military man and I do not have the tools to carry out this type of analysis, to be able to affirm this with complete certainty. But this is what seems most likely to me.

There is one point that seems very important to me, even assuming – which I do not believe – that Russia is right and that in fact the missile was diverted by an anti-aircraft strike: it takes responsibility for this thing to happen when it fires in an area where there is infrastructure of this type. So in terms of political and legal responsibility, Russian responsibility is totally engaged.

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There were 40 missiles that hit Ukraine, and there were at least 38 deaths, according to a provisional report. Does this mean that the Ukrainian defense system is at the end of its tether? And if so, what will France do to strengthen the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense?

France already contributes to Ukraine’s anti-aircraft protection with systems such as the SAMP/T [système sol-air moyenne portée-terrestre, NDLR] for example, but also systems like the Crotale and others. So, we are obviously looking at how to do more and better. It turns out that a NATO summit begins on Tuesday, July 9 in Washingtonvery important, and that obviously this topic will be addressed. So we will see what will be possible and what can be announced at that time. It is a key issue for Ukraine, of course, to be able to protect vital critical infrastructure and the civilian population. These attacks should not exist. Unfortunately, they do exist and this is not the first time. And so there is a huge need, obviously.

Concretely, France could provide a new anti-aircraft defense system to Ukraine. ?

I obviously have no announcement to make to you and all this is discussed elsewhere and differently. But France already contributes to Ukraine’s anti-aircraft defense and the President of the Republic regularly announces additional support. So I am certain that we are doing everything possible. That being said, we must act in coordination and as closely as possible to Ukrainian needs.

The NATO summit in Washington will also discuss Ukraine’s membership. The United States and Germany are still reluctant to extend an official invitation to kyiv. Will France, on the other hand, support the Ukrainian position and ask that Ukraine be officially invited to join NATO?

The President of the Republic expressed very clearly, a few months ago, our openness to the possibility of an invitation from NATO to Ukraine. And to my knowledge, our position has not changed. That said, we should not speculate before the start of an international summit. Obviously, it is important to show solidarity, the unity of the international community. The Washington summit is important from this point of view too for the type of military equipment that we can possibly provide. But there are other places that are important today, notably the United Nations Security Council, since at the request of France in particular, the Security Council will meet precisely to discuss the strikes in Ukraine this Monday, and notably the one that targeted the Okhmatdyt hospital.

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There will obviously be an ulterior motive at this summit. : the possibility of a Donald Trump victory next November. Are Ukrainians worried about it and are they preparing for it? ?

We must ask the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are currently in the war and are waging the war. It is a cruel war, it is a war that has barbaric manifestations. So, I am not sure that they are speculating. Honestly, the topic of the day is the time of mourning for all the wounded and the dead. It is also the time of military preparation, the time of military support to protect ourselves as much as possible from this. And it is the desire to have the greatest possible international coordination.

You are obviously in contact with the Ukrainian authorities, but also with the Ukrainian population. We know that on the front the situation is complicated. There are also these strikes on the rear. Do the Ukrainians still believe in it? Are they continuing to hold out?

What constantly strikes me, and it struck me a lot on Monday when I went to the hospital, is the determination of the Ukrainian people. They absolutely do not want to surrender, and absolutely do not want to recognize a Russian victory. They do not want to give up Ukrainian territory, they want to remain a free, democratic, independent and sovereign country. Obviously, there are difficulties on the front and the population sees it. There are small Russian advances in the East, there have been This attack on Kharkiv was repelled. So this obviously creates a rather heavy atmosphere, an anxious atmosphere and a very strong concern as the war goes on. More men, more personnel, more equipment are needed at the front and this obviously weighs very heavily.

But the Ukrainian determination is there. And this determination is to defend itself until it has re-established its right and until it has made Russia let go in some way. It is a determination that can be dark and worrying at times, but which is really the rock on which the Ukrainian position is built.

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