Russian offensive in the south, the attacked east, maps and assessment

Russian offensive in the south the attacked east maps and

UKRAINE. The war in Ukraine continues, with Russia bombarding the south and east of the country, in an attempt to extend its grip. Maps of the Russian advance and the latest assessment of the conflict.

The east for several days, without respite, and, suddenly, the south, again. Russia struck the banks of the Dnieper on the night of Monday July 11 to Tuesday July 12, 2022, targeting the town of Nova Kakhovka, near Kherson, killing at least seven people according to figures announced on the Russian side. For its part, Ukraine claimed to have retaliated by bombing enemy military targets located in the same town, causing the death of 52 Russian soldiers according to its statements, also claiming to have destroyed an ammunition warehouse in the process. A new territory of fighting, which has however been concentrated for several weeks in the east of the country.

Because that is the question: will the Donbass definitely fall into the hands of Russia? This is in any case the objective displayed by Vladimir Putin. For several weeks, the war in which the two countries have been engaged has been concentrated mainly in the Donbass region, to the east, a border sector between the belligerents and particularly popular. Composed of two regions, that of Donetsk and that of Luhansk, the territory has already been partly conquered by the Kremlin army, which has claimed the capture of the oblast (region) of Luhansk. It is now targeting that of Donetsk. To achieve its ends, it is a veritable enterprise of shelling to which Russia devotes itself, constantly multiplying the bombardments. One has particularly marked the spirits in recent days: that of an apartment building in Chassiv Yar, causing the death of 34 people, including a child. The intensity of the fighting should not weaken. “There are signs that enemy units are preparing to intensify combat operations in the direction of Kramatorsk and Bakhmout,” indicated the Ukrainian General Staff, which fears a new Russian offensive in the region, the real target of Vladimir Putin and his men.

Ukraine-Russia War: Maps of the Conflict

Since the start of the war between Ukraine and Russia on February 24, 2022, the advance of the Russian army in the neighboring country has been undeniable. The global map of the Institute for the Study of War concretely materializes the successive captures of Vladimir Putin’s men. In black, these are the territories in Russian hands before the start of the war. The areas in red correspond to the various Ukrainian areas passed under the enemy flag in a few months. The map thus makes it possible to realize that the military efforts of Russia are indeed concentrated on the east and the south of the country. The few areas in blue surrounded by dotted lines highlight the Ukrainian counter-offensives.

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© Institute for the Study of War

During the night of July 11 to 12, bombardments were perpetrated by Russia, then by Ukraine, in the south of the country, on the municipality of Nova Kakhovka, located on the banks of the Dnieper river, in the center of the map, east of Kherson. An area fully controlled by Russia, despite Ukrainian rebellions in the Kherson and Melitopol region (areas hatched in blue). Moreover, Ukraine is trying to take positions in the west, around Myloaiv (sky blue zone).

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© Institute for the Study of War

In the east, the main theater of fighting for many weeks, the Russian army would have set its sights on Kramatorsk and Bakhmout according to Ukraine. A new objective to extend its grip on Donetsk Oblast and try to seize the northern part of this region.

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© Institute for the Study of War

What is the outcome of the war between Ukraine and Russia?

The United Nations delivers every day (or almost) an assessment of the war in Ukraine. According to the latest data released by the organization on July 4, 4,889 civilians died since the war broke out. Of which, 4,554 are adults and 335 children. In addition, at least 6,263 people were injured. A balance sheet that lacks precision, however, as recognized by the UN itself: “the actual figures are considerably higher, because the receipt of information from certain places where intense hostilities took place have been delayed and many reports are still awaiting confirmation.”
