Russian offensive against Ukraine embarrasses Israel

Russian offensive against Ukraine embarrasses Israel

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but he recalled the ” deep and lasting relationships of Israel with both Kiev and Moscow.

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa

For Israel, Moscow is an unwavering ally in the Middle East. Because Russia, an ally of the Damascus regime, controls the Syrian sky. But Syria is also home to Iranian militias considered by Israel to be a existential threat. Regularly, the Hebrew State Air Force bombards their positions with the blessing of Russia.

It seems that the Israeli government does not want to interfere with its freedom of action in Syria against Iranian targets, explains Emmanuel Navon, professor of international relations at Tel Aviv University. And this freedom of action depends a lot on the agreement of Vladimir Putin. Israel does not wish to alienate Vladimir Putin. »

Naftali Bennett’s “cautious” silence

However, Emmanuel Navon invites Israel to adopt a more decisive position in the face of this attack against Ukraine and to condemn Russia more firmly. ” Because of our position in the Western camp, our particular relations with the United States and Europe, but even from a point of view of realpolitik, I do not think that Israel will benefit from this muffled language vis- towards Russia. Because in any case, the day Vladimir Putin wishes to put an end to our freedom of action in Syria, he will do so regardless of our position. Putin is not at all someone you can count on. »

This Friday, the Israeli press also notes the silence “ careful by the Prime Minister of the Hebrew State. Naftali Bennett, refused to condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine.
