Russian missiles flew into Poland, at least two people died – Russia calls media reports a provocation

Russian missiles flew into Poland at least two people died

Poland raises the alert level of some of its armed forces as a result of the explosions. Two people died in explosions in a village on the border between Poland and Ukraine on Tuesday, reports the news agency AP. We will update the story.

15.11. 21:10•Updated 0:04

The US intelligence agency has confirmed the media report, according to which Russian missiles were also flown by the NATO country towards Poland today, reports the news agency AP. According to AP, the official spoke anonymously due to the sensitive nature of the matter.

Poland confirmed late on Tuesday evening that there was an explosion in the country’s territory that killed two Polish citizens. However, Poland does not provide further details about the cause of the explosion.

As a result of the explosions, Poland is raising the readiness level of some of its armed forces, said a spokesman for the Polish government Piotr Müller tells.

According to AP, the missiles hit the village of Przewodów, located near the Ukrainian border, where they killed two people. The Polish fire brigade has confirmed to Reuters that there were explosions in the village on Tuesday.

Polish Radio ZET reported earlier on Tuesday that two missiles had hit the Polish side. According to Ukraine, Russia attacked Ukraine on Tuesday with the force of an estimated 100 missiles.

Polish publication Faytuks News In pictures shared on Twitter (you will switch to another service) the ground shows, among other things, a large hole and other supposed damages.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has denied the information. The ministry describes the information that appeared in the media as a deliberate provocation, the purpose of which is to escalate the situation. The Russian Ministry of Defense denies that Russia fired near the Ukrainian-Polish border.

The Pentagon does not confirm the information

According to the US Department of Defense, the Pentagon, it takes the reports seriously.

– I can tell you that we currently have no information to confirm these reports, but we are investigating the matter further, Brigadier General Patrick Ryder stated at a press conference on Tuesday evening.

The White House has also not confirmed the information, a spokesman for the White House National Security Committee said Adrienne Watson stated on Tuesday. According to Watson, the White House is working with Poland to gather more information about the course of events.

The military alliance NATO has also announced that it is monitoring the situation. Professor of political history at the University of Helsinki Juhana Aunesluoma assesses to that NATO is prepared in advance for similar situations. Such a situation has been feared, but according to Aunesluoma’s assessment, “there is still a long way to go before the situation starts to escalate”.

Ukraine has demanded that NATO member countries gather immediately and take action against Russia.

What is Article Five of NATO?

  • Article 5 of NATO means the obligation of the member countries to defend each other.
  • If one NATO country is attacked, according to the article, it must be considered an attack on all, and therefore the other NATO countries must defend the attacked.
  • All measures that are taken must be reported to the Security Council immediately, it is recorded in the article.
  • Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki convened the country’s national security and defense committee on Tuesday, said Polish government spokesman Müller On Twitter (you will switch to another service). Müller did not say what the committee was to discuss.

    Several European countries have condemned the events. These countries include, for example, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

    The news is updated.

    Read also:

    ‘s updated monitoring of Russia’s attack on Ukraine
