Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The maritime border presentation is about technical inspection | Foreign countries

The government plans to facilitate the takeover of Russian real

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zaharova said that coverage in both Russian and Western media has distorted the show.

Vilma Romsi,

Heikki Heiskanen

Official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova says that the proposal made by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the inspection of Russia’s maritime borders in the Gulf of Finland is technical in nature. He denied that there were political reasons behind the show.

Zaharova answered a question from a Helsingin Sanomat correspondent at her weekly press conference.

The proposal that appeared on the website of the Russian government on Tuesday evening raised suspicions that Russia intends to unilaterally change the maritime borders on its borders with Finland and Lithuania. The show was removed from the site on Wednesday.

Zaharova said that coverage in both Russian and Western media has distorted the show and has not been entirely factual.

Zaharova said that over time, under natural conditions, coastlines and islands change. Because of that, the current guidelines based on the 1985 maps no longer correspond to the actual geographical conditions. According to Zaharova, sea borders must comply with the norms of international law.

Member of Parliament of the State Duma Yevgeny Fyodorov in turn said for RTVI television on Wednesday evening that the presentation was withdrawn so that mapmakers could further refine the information. The presentation will then be returned to the government’s online portal.
